Slotsoo’s Privacy Policy

Welcome to Slotsoo’s privacy policy page, where you can read about user data and cookies. You have our respect for being interested in this matter. We have tried to make the text less boring by avoiding legal mumbojumbo. Here we explain the important stuff in a way that the average internet user will understand.

cookie policy

Table of Contents

What Are Cookies – And What Different Types Are There?

A cookie is a small text file that gets created when you visit a website. This file is stored on your internet browser and/or your device, for example computer or phone.

Cookies are used to give you a smoother and more personalized experience by remembering details and choices from your previous visit. Cookies are also used by online businesses to track and analyze users. The file size is very small, normally between 5-500 bytes (a normal photo taken with your phone’s camera is 5 MB = 5 000 000 bytes).

Cookies can be divided into different types, depending on their lifespan and their source:

  • Persistent cookies and session cookies Session cookies are temporary cookies that will die when you close your web browser. Persistent or permanent cookies are stored on your device for a longer time, for example 6 months or 1 year.
  • 1st party cookies and 3rd party cookies First party cookies are cookies that are generated from the site you visit, for example when you visit Slotsoo you get analytics cookies added to your browser/device. Third party cookies are created when a website includes components from other websites, for example advertisements or embedded youtube videos.
Did you know? Cookies are just normal text files containing a string of numbers and texts that creates a code to identify you. Cookies don’t contain any personal info like your name or IP-address. They also cannot contain viruses or malware. Learn more about cookies on the European Union’s website.

Cookies Used on – List with Explanations

Name Description
_ga We use Google Analytics to track user behavior, for example where on a page the user clicks and how long they spend on the site.
_pk_id This cookie from the analytics tool Matomo gives you an unique visitor ID and is valid for 13 months. This help us learn more about our returning visitors.
_pk_ses A session cookie that only lives for 30 minutes. It also comes from the Matomo analytics tool that we use.
_pg_vid Our inhouse user data analytics tool assign a fingerprint to each user. It can make it possible to identify a user even though they use a different browser or incognito.
_vidxi Back in the days we used to show ads on Slotsoo and then this cookie would make sure we show different ads to the user on every visit. Now we don’t have ads so this cookie has no use.
cookie_notice_accepted This cookie just says you have accepted our cookie policy so that our website knows not to show the accept cookies message to you again.
pll_language Slotsoo is a multilingual website and we use the Polylang plugin to handle our different languages. This cookie stores your browser language.
sib_cuid We use Brevo for our contact forms and email marketing. This cookie makes sure we don’t spam you with the subscribe to our newsletter popup message.

Managing and Deleting Cookies

You can check what cookies a website is using from your web browser. This is how you do it in Chrome:

  1. Open the inspect view
  2. Go to the application header
  3. Select storage and cookies

From here you can see the size and expiration date of each cookie. You can also delete cookies in this view, but please be aware that if you continue using the site then cookies will be created again. By using incognito, guest mode or private browsing mode you can limit the amount and size of cookies.

If you don’t want to allow storage of cookies on your device you can choose to turn it off in your browser’s settings. Then cookies will not be stored, but certain parts of the website might not work correctly.

slotsoo cookies screenshot

What Data Does Slotsoo Collect – Plus the Hows and Whys

How much data we collect from you depends on how much data you have given us. We are no Lisbeth Salanders (=fictional Swedish hacker by Stieg Larsson). The personal details we have about you, are all details you have personally given to us by filling in a form for example.

In the below list we explain what data Slotsoo can collect, how we collect it, and why we do it.

  • Email address – only from people who contact us, subscribe to our newsletter, or sign up to our social tournaments. You can unsubscribe from our marketing at any time by clicking the unsuscribe footer link in any email message.
  • Phone numbers – This is a required field when registering to our tournaments. But we don’t have a way to verify that you actually gave your own number and not your grandma’s or a random number.
  • Name – In both the tournament registration form and the contact us form we ask people to write their name. It’s nicer to get emails saying ”Hi Markus” instead of ”Hi stranger” or ”Hi user12345”
  • Post address – We ask the winners of the tournaments to give us their full name and post address. This is just so that we can apply the Amazon giftcard. There won’t be any surprise christmas cards.
  • IP address – Slotsoo collects the IP-address from all visitors. This helps us see what countries most of our users are from and to investigate suspicous activity (for example when we get an unexplained spike in visitor numbers). There are different VPNs you can use to hide your real IP.
  • Device and browser information – We try to optimize our website to the most used devices and browsers (sorry ipad and tablet fans). By collecting this information we get the real data and can tell how many are using an Android phone or an older iPhone.
  • Password – The password you enter when creating a user is hidden from us and stored in an encrypted format. Not even Slotsoo admins can see it.
  • Website preferences – This includes many different things. One common website preference cookie is when the browser remembers your username and password and autofills it.
18+ only is solely for adults. It is not allowed to use this website if you are under 18. We don’t knowingly store any data about minors and we will do the necessary measurements to remove the data if proof of the opposite comes to our attention.

How Slotsoo Shares and Stores Your Data

Slotsoo stores all sensitive data in a safe way on servers located within the EU. We keep the data as long as there is a valid business reason to do so. We store everything in digital format only and don’t print anything on paper.

Slotsoo is a part of a bigger organization and we can share our data with this parent company, other companies within the same group, and any business partners or service providers. Some of these are located outside the EU/EEA region (Including Google Analytics).

By using our services, you accept the fact that your data can be processed in non-EU countries. Of course we still take all reasonable measures to make sure that your data is protected.

Slotsoo is an affiliate marketing company and we work with many online casinos. Our partner casinos don’t share any personal information about their customers with us. We only know how many customers we have generated to the casinos, and how much money they have spent in total. (These numbers decide how much the casino will pay us.)

GDPR Compliance – Your Data Privacy Rights

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is something the European Union implemented in May 2018. It is the strongest privacy law in the whole world and includes many rights for indivuals, plus many obligations for companies that process data.

You have probably heard about ”the right to be forgotten”, which means an individual can submit a formal request to ask a company to erase all data that they have about them, and the company has to comply within 30 days or they risk big fines from the EU.

But GDPR also includes many more rights, such as the right to access your data and the right to restrict companies from using data for profiling purposes. Check out the EU Commission’s website to learn more about EU privacy laws and your rights.

What are the GDPR obligations for companies, especially for websites like ourselves? First of all, there must be appropriate security measures in place to protect the users’ data, and users must be informed if there is a data breach. Having an accurate and up-to-date privacy policy on the website is also important, plus being transparent about cookies.

Slotsoo is solely active in the EU-market so GDPR is very important to us. We do everything in our power to be fully GDPR-compliant. For example, we show a cookie consent message to new visitors, we don’t have any pre-checked T&Cs boxes, and when you subscribe to our newsletters you need to double opt-in.

Friendly reminder: You can contact us anytime if you have any concerns about data privacy questions.

Changes in our Privacy Policy and Cookies

This privacy policy was last updated on 2nd September 2024. We reserve the right to change our terms at any time and will do our best to update the page to reflect the changes in a timely manner. You agree to Slotsoo’s privacy policy by visiting our website.